After having finished the daily curriculum, the students on the lower grammar school can attend the after-school club to enjoy their free time, under the supervision of the teaching staff. The content of the club is broad. The children learn new things, attend after school activities, or simply relax.Courses:
- English language
- German language
- IT technologies
- Games of movement and motion
- Science is fun
- Tenis
- Floorball
- Creative workshops
- Exotic dancing
- Skating course
- Swimming course
Cooperation with the local library on Kutuzova Street
Matriculation of first graders
Day of healthy eating and milk
Fruit and Vegetable Day
St. Nicholas at school
Christmas at school
Christmas chat
Give a book to the school - A market of used books
Earth Day
Mothers' Day
Children's Day
Creative contests
8:00 - 8:15 Class session (with class teacher)
8:20 Beginning of school classes
11:55 or 12:50 - 14:15 Lunch break
relax or creative activities
14:15 - 15:00 Hobby group activities
15:00 - 15:30 Tue - Thur preparing for school classes
Mon - Wed creative workshops
Fri sports activities
15:30 - 17:00 sports and/or creative activities, relax